Thursday, March 4, 2010


The Power Of Hugs!

-"Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you." Jacques Prevert

A hug is generally a positive exchange of energy between two or more people. Healing is sometimes about simply having someone hold you in their arms and feeling their love, caring and compassion. To many souls reality is a lonely, painful experience with nowhere to turn. A hug is a way to share both good and bad times with others. A hug can create a connection that one cannot express in words. Even a small hug generally makes everyone feel good. A hug can make one feel safe and secure. It can lift our spirits and make us smile. Some people are not comfortable with the physical embrace, yet a quick hug can go a long way. A hug is meant for everyone.

Hugs are not much different than Reiki or any other contact healing technique. It's all the same. It's all energy. Healing is energy. Healing is frequency. The nature of the harmonic is to create balance and raise frequency. Energy exchanges create an electromagnetic flow that can temporarily heal or at least bring someone into greater understanding about getting help. Without healing the emotional body though, all will revert back, or find another outlet of expression in physical reality.

- "Hugging closes the door to hate." Tony Davis

A Hug is one of the most basic ways two human beings touch. There is power in a hug.

A hug can break down barriers that sometimes words cannot do. At times, it can speak more than any words can say. We bond with a hug. We find comfort with a hug. We greet and separate from each other with a hug. We establish human contact and interaction with a hug. The beauty of a hug is in its simplicity. The gesture towards another human being, known or unknown, is easy. It costs nothing but a simple act of caring and kindness.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the definition of a hug is : "to clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace. To hold steadfastly, to cherish . To stay close to.

Human beings thrive on touch and often languish without it. We are social creatures. The simple act of hugging can lift a person and make them feel connected to someone else. When you embrace another human being, for those few moments, you have to let go of everything and focus on that hug.

- "If for every tear I get a hug from you, then I would cry forever."

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